This section takes about 5 minutes to complete.
The Multi-Hop/Medallion Architecture, Applied
Recall that the Multi-Hop/Medallion Architecture comprises 3 stages: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
In this section, we'll talk about how to take our domain questions and organise what the input and outputs are of each hop.
Applying the domain​
Let's bring back the domain questions from our earlier exercises and the steps taken to answer them:
1. When was the last connection time of a Charge Point? | 2. What is the final charge time and final charge dispense for every completed transaction? |
Read Data with a Schema | Read OCPP Data (data.csv) |
Time Conversion | Return only StopTransaction Requests (filter) |
Windows and Rows | Unpack JSON in StopTransaction Request (withColumn, from_json) |
Cleanup | Unpack StartTransaction Response (withColumn, from_json) |
Unpack StartTransaction Request (withColumn, from_json) | |
Find the matching StartTransaction Requests (inner join) | |
Join Start and Stop data (left join) | |
Convert the start_timestamp and stop_timestamp fields to timestamp type (to_timestamp, withColumn) | |
Calculate the Charge Transaction Duration (total_time) (withColumn, cast, maths) | |
Calculate total_energy (withColumn, cast) | |
Unpack JSON in MeterValues Request (withColumn, from_json) | |
Calculate total_parking_time (explode, filter, window, groupBy) | |
Join with Target DataFrame (left join) | |
All together now! (select) |
Note: there are some non-business case transformations that could be relevant to both use cases (or new ones) or just good curation/cleanup activities in preparation for further transformation:
- Read from a data source (in this case a csv)
- Unpack from string to JSON
- Flatten (unpack nested structures and bring to top level)
- Casting ambiguous columns to types
Thinking back to the multi-hop (Bronze, Silver, Gold) architecture we can re-organise our transformation into the following stages:
Bronze | Silver |
Read from data source (raw) and store | Unpack from string to JSON |
Flatten (unpack nested structures and bring to top level) | |
Casting ambiguous columns to types |
And of course, the Gold transformation Step will feature various transformations required to answer one of our domain questions
Gold (1) When was the last connection time of a Charge Point? | Gold (2) What is the final charge time and final charge dispense for every completed transaction? |
Windows and Rows | Find all StopTransaction (filter) |
Cleanup | Join with StartTransaction Responses, matching on transaction_id (left join) |
Find the matching StartTransaction Requests (inner join) | |
Calculate the total_time (withColumn, cast, maths) | |
Calculate total_energy (withColumn, cast) | |
Calculate total_parking_time (explode, filter, window, groupBy) | |
Join and Shape (left join, select) |